All by Grace | Africa
ABG Africa
Kennedy (Kenn) Gondwe was born into a pagan family of 11 children in which his father had three wives. He grew up hating everything about Christianity having been taught that it was a white man’s religion. But God did a great miracle in his life, and he came to saving faith in his Lord and Savior Jesus.
Kenn became a Christian through the preaching of the gospel while in high school. Unlike many who come to faith from the fear of hell, this preacher showed him why he needed Christ Jesus as his Savior. Newton’s famous hymn: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see” became his theme song ever since he was born again.
Kenn attended African Bible University in Uganda and went on, by God’s provision, to graduate from Westminster Seminary in California. Many of Kenn’s friends chose to stay in the US, but Kenn sensed God’s call to return to his people in Africa. Only a week after his graduation, Kenn was back home, determined to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the very challenging mission field he was from.
Mission Field
Kenn’s work has involved three aspects. First, he is very active in various universities in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. This work involves clarifying and defending the gospel against a plethora of counterfeit gospels common in African schools. Kenn is fighting for the souls of students who are the future of the continent.
Secondly, Kenn is partnering with theological colleges and institutions to train ministers of the gospel. In these institutions, he is teaching apologetics to equip his students to be able to defend their faith in Christ and to better serve in the mission field. Since 2018, Kenn has taught at Central African Baptist University in Kitwe Zambia, Covenant College in Petauke Zambia and in the Logos Institute in Lilongwe Malawi.
Kenn’s other main activity has been to conduct seminars for pastors in the countries mentioned above. Recently, he was in Botswana teaching in the towns of Ghanzi, Mauni and Gaborone. In Malawi, he conducts annual seminars in Lilongwe and Blantyre and he held his first seminar in Mzuzu during the past year which was attended by more than 100 pastors and elders.
Challenges and Prayer Items
Kenn has suffered much to serve the Lord during the past four years. He has survived Covid three times, malaria, severe asthma and other maladies. On top of the physical challenges, he has also faced difficulties with cultural differences. Tribal tensions can sometimes be worse than racism. It is especially challenging to minister to certain people groups if one can’t speak their language. God has given him wisdom to deal with these types of challenges. Another great challenge Kenn has faced is extreme poverty. He regularly serves in very poor communities where people can only afford to eat once a day which leads to malnutrition and stunted growth for children. The false religions have exploited this weakness, donating food and clothes and in return these communities are further yoked in more slavery of sin. Islam has greatly exploited this weakness. Kenn’s prayer is that the Lord will send resources to help reach these communities for Christ. “Christ Jesus was the greatest of all missionaries, and through his incarnation, He has paved a way for us. We go out in confidence knowing that God’s Word will not return to him empty.” (Isaiah 55:11).
All by Grace Ministries. 2024. All rights reserved