All by Grace | Bangladesh
ABG Bangladesh
Sisir Barai and his wife Sewly Baidhay are serving the Lord in Bangladesh. They have a 20-year-old daughter and a 13-year-old son. They worked for 12 years for Campus Crusade for Christ International and are presently being supported by ABG and other Christians. God has led them to work in remote northern areas of Bangladesh, a country of 170 million, where the gospel has not been preached. At the present time, they are working in the Naogaon District which has a population of approximately 2.7 million. In this District, Muslims make up approximately 87% of the population, while Hindus make up approximately 12%.

Sisir Barai has made a number of mission trips over the past few years to bravely preach the gospel and he has seen many come to Christ and be baptized.
Sisir says that his primary goal is to share the gospel among the unreached people and to do his part to fulfill the Great Commission. They have started two churches in this area and there are about 90 new believers between these two churches. These churches do not have a building, and the services are held outside under trees. We are praying that God will provide land and a church building. Sisir trusts in God to provide and he continues to work faithfully in an area that is very difficult since the truth of Jesus Christ is not well known and the opposing religions can be hostile to the preaching of the gospel. Please be praying for this important ministry. If anyone has questions for Sisir, please feel free to contact him at

January 2024
The weather turned very cold in Bangladesh this winter and Sisir developed a project to provide blankets to help the people through this time. This demonstration of love was well received among many believers that were helped. Also, many unbelievers were blessed by this demonstration of love.