All by Grace | Spain
ABG Spain
After nearly 30 years of faithful ministry in their home country of Cuba, Pastor Juan Carlos Rojas and his wife, Yigani Mirabal Lima, were sent by our Lord to preach the gospel in Spain. They found the situation in Spain to be far different than what they left behind in Cuba. For many years, they experienced an abundant harvest of souls in their ministry by preaching the message of the saving work of Jesus Christ. Even with the communist government, they were able to preach openly, and the Lord blessed their work abundantly. But, in Spain the conditions were different.
Despite the long-term influence of the Catholic Church, Spain is currently a country in that is largely atheistic, where only 1.7% of the population professes evangelical Christianity. Many of their friends at first had trouble understanding their move, from leading one of the largest evangelical churches in Cuba to go to Spain where they would plant a new church in vastly different circumstances. But, Juan Carlos and Yigani were convinced that the Lord was leading them in this, so they left everything behind in the country they were born and served, and went in total faith in the plan of God.

It was in the middle of the COVID pandemic, in early 2021 that they arrived in the eastern, coastal province of Alicante, Spain. At first, their goal was to learn from other church leaders and to seek to better understand the culture so they would be better prepared for the work ahead. Later that year, they were invited to preach to a small congregation in the City of Valencia. This small group of believers had formed into a church, but were at that time without a full-time pastor. The invitation to visit and preach was extended every month, until finally, in October that year, they were asked to lead their congregation.
Since that time in late 2021, God has greatly prospered their work and their church has seen amazing growth. When they arrived, it was a church of approximately 30 members and now more than 100 meet every Sunday. Juan Carlos is a gifted preacher and evangelist, and he has emphasized the need to faithfully preach the gospel, for personal bible study, discipleship and obedience to the Lord.

Juan Carlos and Yigani have worked closely with ABG Ministries since 2006 and the ABG Team continues to seek for ways to support their important work in Valencia. Juan Carlos, ABG’s Spain Ministry Leader, has been a key counselor for ABG’s ministries, especially in Cuba. The partnership that the Lord has formed continues to bear fruit to the glory of God.
All by Grace Ministries. 2024. All rights reserved