All by Grace | Pakistan
ABG Pakistan
Pastor Harry and his wife Madiha are faithful evangelical Christians working in a challenging part of Lahore, Pakistan. The challenges include poverty, attacks from other religions in Pakistan and a lack of knowledge of the bible. This young couple in their twenties, labor daily to combat these challenges by teaching the Scriptures to many, and to help needy Christians in this very large but impoverished area of this city of 11 million people.

More than 97% of the those who live in Pakistan are Muslims and so Christians like Harry and Madiha are in the vast minority. They receive little support from outside of Pakistan and they always face severe societal pressures from those within their country. Harry and Madiha love the Scriptures and read the bible daily. Madiha has said that her favorite thing to do is to read her bible and she has memorized a large number of verses. Harry’s father is a pastor in one of the larger Christian congregations in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.
ABG Ministries has been led by the Lord to support the work of Harry and Madiha as they seek to help to support needy Christians in their congregation and surrounding area. Many recent projects have helped this couple to provide food, clothing, furniture, and to repair houses in some cases. Their goal is to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ by declaring the gospel. Through many generous gifts of love, their example has made an impact. Their congregation meets every Sunday and Harry takes a personal interest in the lives of his flock. Harry preaches the need for every person to read the Scriptures and to live obedient lives to the glory of God.

We ask for prayer for this new work that ABG has been involved in during 2024. We pray that Harry, Madiha and their faithful congregation will continue to boldly reach out with the gospel….the power of God for salvation for all who believe.
All by Grace Ministries. 2024. All rights reserved